What’s Keeping You From Starting Your Business?

You’ve been thinking about starting your own إقامة مستثمر في دبي  but you just can’t seem to take the first step. It may be because you don’t know or maybe you’re afraid of something. It could be a little of both, fear and not knowing what to do. Starting a business isn’t a one step process but it is easier than you think. You could already be doing it without really knowing it.

You may have wanted to start a business making pies because your pies are the best. People around the office are always asking you to bake one for them because they just can’t get enough. And you do, you bake several, collect your fees and continue working your 9-5. Knock, knock, you’re already in business! Just concentrate on putting a plan in motion and take it one step at a time.

First though, I’d like to give you some friendly advice on starting your business:

Be prepared for rejection
You will hear a lot of no’s during your starting phase. There will be so-called friends trying to bring you down because there is a pie factory right down the street. Do not, I repeat Do not let this discourage you. Acknowledge their comments, step around them, and continue. Just remember to say hi from the top!

If you fall, get right back up
There will be times where you will feel like the whole world is against you. Where you can’t make a sale for the life of you but at this point it is KEY to continue plowing through. It only takes one small break to make it big. If you stop when you fall, you are limiting yourself to finding out what really lays ahead; what your potential truly is.

If someone is already doing it, do it better
Just because there’s a pie factory down the street doesn’t mean you can’t start your own successful homemade pie business right next door; just do it better! Offer something unique, you’re already baking homemade pies, I’m sure you can think of something.

Just do it!
Yes, Nike said it first but it applies to all! What’s keeping you from just doing it? Fear… fear is our own worst enemy. No, let me clarify; WE are our own worst enemy. We allow fear to take over and paralyze us to the point of no return. Why? Because we are constantly second guessing ourselves. We sabotage our own beliefs and start thinking that we just can’t do it. Then we stop. Put those thoughts out of your mind and focus on just doing it! Some of the wealthiest men and women out there live by this rule and so should you! Now, what’s stopping you?

So now on to what you need to do to start a business:

Clearly define your idea or product
This is where a business plan comes. It doesn’t have to be too elaborate or over 100 pages. It just has to be clear. Start off by defining your business name, objectives, and goals.

What will the name of your business be: Pie Bakers Inc.
What your business will do: Pie Bakers Inc. will bake homemade pies and desserts. We will only use organic ingredients to ensure the quality of our pies.
What will your business accomplish and when: Pie Bakers Inc. will produce 100 pies a week for the first year and increase by 5% each year.
How you will gain customers: Pie Bakers Inc. will go door to door seeking customers that do not have the time or energy to bake homemade pies.

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